My Takeaway from Rise Conference Dallas

Let’s get to the good stuff! Here are My Takeaway from Rise Conference Dallas!

I’ve attended my fair share of conferences but never have I attended a personal growth and development conference. See the truth is, I wasn’t planning on attending the Rise conference. Heck, I didn’t even know about it until I finished Girl, Stop Apologizing and found out about Rise when Rachel mentioned it in the book. You see, I was moving from Minneapolis to Dallas when I found out about the conference. Sadly for me, the conference was SOLD OUT in both cities. As Rachel says “I have always figured it out” In fact, my new word for the rest of 2019 is DETERMINED. I hopped on Facebook and found two women who were willing to sell me their tickets. 


What is RISE CONFERENCE and why should you attend? Rise is a personal growth conference hosted by Rachel Hollis and the Hollis Company  to empower women to Own their present, Let Go of the Past and Own their future. It’s like a big therapy session with 7500 women. 

Rise is a two day conference and this year, Rachel added a Health and Wellness Day to the calendar. I knew I wanted to attend because one of my goals after moving to Dallas was to jump start my health journey.


Friday was all about owning your PAST. WE heard from speakers like Trent Shelton, and Jen Hatmaker. We explored topics on how we tend to hold on to things from the past that keep us from moving forward.  Trent shared that “perspective can be your prison or your power” How are you willing to reframe your perspective to help you move on? We explored limiting beliefs that usually hold us back and it was SO powerful to be in a room with 7500 women who were supportive of each other.


Saturday was owning your future. We heard from Dave Hollis who shared on letting go of the opinions of others and how we show up in the world. Saturday was my favorite day because we got to learn from Rachel how to make audacious dreams and how to create a pragmatic road map to see that dream to fruition. 

We also got to hear from Joy Cho of Oh, Joy!, Jamie Kern Lima, the founder of IT Cosmetics, and Charis Jones. These women have built successful companies and I enjoyed hearing about hard work, sacrifices, showing up for other women, asking for help and how there’s strength in not being able to do it all. 

I highly recommend Rise if you’re looking to get unstuck, get inspired, challenge your limiting beliefs and learn how to identify your goals and gain tools to bring them to life. 

Rise is going global and tickets go on sale this week! I promise, you won’t leave the same way you came. Don’t worry if you’re going along. I felt a huge sense of community and even made a friend. Just be open and have a friendly disposition and you will have a lovely time!




rise-conference-dallas-rachel-hollis rise-conference-dallas-rachel-hollis rise-conference-dallas-rachel-hollis rise-conference-dallas-rachel-hollis rise-conference-dallas-rachel-hollisMy  Takeaway from Rise Conference Dallas

That’s it for My Takeaway from Rise Conference Dallas! Leave any comments or questions below! Hope it was helpful!


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