One easy way to discover your purpose



What is my purpose? What a loaded question, right? What is our purpose, and how do we find it? Purpose can look different for different people; but for me, I think about Passion and Purpose in a concentric type of way. I think to have purpose we also need to have passion. 

I think of Passion as things that excite, and ignite that light within us. The things that we enjoy doing that we would do even if money wasn’t involved because it intrinsically brings us joy. That to me is passion. Purpose I feel is how we use our passion. I believe that passion is for us and purpose is how we use our passion impact others; although I think purpose can also be for us as well. But can you really have one without the other?

When thinking about purpose the big question to consider is “how is what I love doing providing value to others in my life?” I have a lot of passions in my life; the overarching theme of my passion is people. I genuinely love people. Sometimes that can be hard because it’s easy to love people thats easy to love, people that are “like” us. 

So, let’s start paying more attention to things that ignite our internal light, and then asking ourselves, how can I use this to help others.  I mean, life’s gotta mean more than just us, right? If you’re not using your passions to help others, it could be difficult to feel or identify if what you’re doing is purposeful.

If you enjoy graphic design, or you’re an organized person and keeping things organized is exciting to you. Helping others design their website, work with causes that are important to you; it may not seem like a big deal but it’s the little ways we use our passions to help others that can really make a big impact.


I’m interested to know what your thoughts are on passion and purpose.  If you enjoy posts like these, please share and comment below what you’d like to see here on the blog.


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