Why your Friends and Family aren’t reading your blog

https://www.styleoptimist.com/wp-content/uploadsA good friend of mine shared this past weekend that she wants to start a blog, and states that she is hesitant because she believes her only reader might be her husband. My suggestion: put out good/interesting (consistent; something I’m always working on) content and readership will come. It did have me thinking about my personal journey with my blog. I’ve been blogging for over three years, and I can honestly say I have ONE friend who reads my blog on a consistent basis.  Just because your family or friends do not read your blog as often as you’d like, doesn’t cancel the fact that they do support your blog. They may offer support in different ways by listening to your ideas and being a sounding board for you, but the majority of  pageviews and comments most certainly won’t come from them.  Here’s my theory:


1) They may not understand the concept of blogging. People who do not read blogs may have a different view on blogging (more on that later) so they forget to read your blog everyday or once a week or maybe months on end.

2) Maybe what you’re blogging about doesn’t interest them. My sister may read my blog VERY seldomly, and I can guarantee that my brother and mom rarely do.

3) Blogging language such as SEO, Focus Keywords or why your Google Analytics matter do not make sense to them and probably sounds like a foreign language. 

So, is it the worst thing ever that your family or friends don’t read your blog? Probably not. The saying goes “If you build it, they will come.” I believe the same applies to blogging. The majority of my pageviews come from people such as yourself ie: bloggers or individuals who are interested in fashion/style/lifestyle blogs. 

Where have you found most of your readers come from?




  1. AmarachiShirley
    August 13, 2015 / 3:31 am

    Great tips! Maybe, I should start one. ?

    And I’m pretty sure I’m that one friend. Lol. Because, I’m totally obsessed. It’s become part of my daily routine/go-to place for style inspiration and your posts never “fall my hand”. Always entertaining and fun!

  2. Janay
    August 19, 2015 / 2:54 pm

    Love this! “if you build it, they willl come” So stealing this saying!!

  3. August 24, 2015 / 9:10 am

    I totally understand this, i was not into reading blogs until i was introduced to it by my sister. She is an ardent reader and one of my biggest fans now. Most of my friends dont read my blogs, they see my outfits live and hear me talk about them so they don’t see the need of reading a post lol.

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