How to Enjoy Being Single

So it’s Valentine’s day, and I thought I would have a heart to heart with you guys and shed light on something I believe I am pretty good at: enjoying my single season. See, for as long as I can remember, I’ve always been single. Well, almost always. I’ve had A boyfriend, or two; let me not discredit anyone here.
When I graduated college and moved out on my own. (I stayed with my parents for a bit) I was in a relationship that would later end and leave me what I felt was broken (in every sense of the word) at the time. You see, this was the first time I’d ever been in a somewhat “serious” relationship which was a new area for my always single self. When that relationship ended, what seemed like the worst time in fact turned out to be a period of self discovery. It really was. It wasn’t always easy. Spending time alone seemed daunting but it got easier. So much to say that I enjoy my alone time now; maybe a little too much.
So this Valentine’s day, if you’re single and maybe you’re not so content in this area, consider it a season to get to know you better, do things you enjoy, try things you’ve always wanted to do.  Just LIVE!
 Here’s some tips on how to enjoy and be content in your single season.
1) Enjoy your alone time. And if you find it difficult to be alone, reflect on why that is and a shift in perspective might help.
how to enjoy being single, being single, enjoy being single


2) Spend more time with the Lord, although I feel this should be an ongoing process.
3) Get out of your comfort zone and try doing things independently. Eat lunch alone, watch a movie at the theater alone, travel alone etc.
4) Take a dance class or any class you’ve wanted to try. Invite a friend or two, but don’t be afraid to do it alone. I’ve done pole and belly dancing; both equally fun!
5) Travel, Travel, Travel as MUCH as you can. Why? I say why not? Now is the time to travel,sans  fiance/husband or a child. You can spend money on traveling without having to feel guilty or consulting another person. Visit friends you haven’t seen in a while. Don’t be afraid to travel alone either. Read all about my Solo Trip to Paris. I even share TIPS on how to travel alone.
how to enjoy being single, being single, enjoy being single


6) Volunteer! I serve at church and I love it. There’s nothing like giving back and serving others. Volunteer for a cause that’s close to your heart. I volunteer sometimes on the photography team and follow up team. As you can probably imagine, I love photography so if you can spare the time, spending it doing something you love will give you much more of a reason to continue.
7) Exercise! Join a gym or take a Pilates class or Yoga class.
8) LIVE your life! you’re more than likely to meet someone when you’re living your life as opposed to being fixated on the fact that you are single. Do the things you enjoy. People connect and bond over shared experiences and interest, so if you’re doing the things you enjoy….. (let that sink in).
I could seriously go on about how to enjoy being alone and cherishing this season. Being single can be hard at times for numerous reasons, and I recognize that. But, it doesn’t have to be a bad thing; just another stage in life.
From one single gal to another, just remember it’s okay to desire not to be single, after all we weren’t created  to do life alone. Remember, you’re single, not dead.  🙂

Happy Valentine’s day, guys!

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